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  • Writer's pictureRikka Ly

The Last Week of Blogging... [Week 11]

I'm taking the weeks as they come.


I attended volunteering this week and saw my two favourite residents. One of them was incredibly happy to see me and gave me a hug. We had a chat about many different things, some of the topics being personal to their life before retirement. This resident gave me two more hugs and walked me to the door, they said that they were incredibly happy that I kept coming to see them. It worries me, as I don't have intention to keep volunteering past my project. I'll have to consider it. The resident that I usually play board games with had a fall and was injured, so couldn't come out to speak with us. Both myself and the other resident visited them to say hi, and it has reminded me about the fragility of age.

App Prototype Documentation

At the start of the week I completed my app prototype documentation. This document is a google doc that outlines every section of my app, it's content, and some reasoning. The intent is to supplement my prototype and fill any gaps that I couldn't communicate in my Figma. I put some extra effort into completing this and I'm happy it paid off. I have skill in completing documentation for projects like this so it is a worthwhile endeavor to remember for future concept development.


The majority of my capstone work week was spent working on my report. There was a report check in on Thursday that I was aiming for but it moved. In the Monday class we did an exercise in which I planned out the report to my methodology's stages. I wasn't sure that this would work given the cyclical nature of my development. I was going to implement this, however, the work I had done for the previous check in was a solid foundation that I preferred. I implemented more content for my blogs and I'm happy that I put effort into this part of the process. It has made the outcome a lot easier. The learning curve for Overleaf is still there, however, I'm getting the hang of it. I was going to submit something mediocre for the Thursday check-in, but instead used the extra time to put forward something more polished. I'm happy with how the report process turned out and would gladly do a blog-style development again to support a similar output.

Next Steps

Many of my tasks still stand. It seems that my brain is relying on a 'last few weeks' rush to get the motivation to complete them. Here are my tasks in order of priority:

  1. Game Research

  2. Finish Figma with feedback from peers

  3. Record video footage

  4. Start visual Journal

  5. High quality images of Prototype

  6. Report

Ideally finish Figma mid-week or before then record video footage during the week. If I can complete that then the rest of the work I can grind at home, and the rest is history. If I was being optimistic, this time next project

I would 'get more motivation earlier and start these tasks earlier.' However, if I'm being true to myself, to improve on this next time I could've set earlier deadlines with peer pressure to ignite that motivation (as I know that's how I work). Potentially setting up in-person structured feedback with a date or encouraging a peer to be hard on me if the work isn't finished. Otherwise all that's left to be is be fine with where I'm at and keep pushing forward with my work.

This is the last check-in which I'm happy for. Hope marking students goes well for you and that you get a good quality of reports :)

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