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  • Writer's pictureRikka Ly


Updated: Jul 24, 2023

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;

Petals, on a wet, black bough.

- Ezra Pound 'In The Station of the Metro'

This is the first draft of ideas for my storyboard. I started off with jotting down ideas on paper during a tutorial - initially I was keen on the idea that humans are powerless against nature. I had an idea to have the metro built up on nature then demolished by a tsunami. My other posters were a comment on the contrast that is shown in the haiku. However, after a discussion with some of my classmates I realized I could go the other way - following the closeness of nature and urban settings that are shown in Ezra's lines. I used wolves to communicate how urban life is similar to patterns found in nature, such as moving in groups, hierarchy and predator/prey. The end panels are the wolf woman looking up at a mural depicting nature doing all the things she has been doing in every day life.

I have used the knowledge of the colour wheel to make my character stand out. Bold red for her umbrella so we can follow her throughout the story, green for her surroundings to relate it to nature. I've attempted to use my composition knowledge. Rule of thirds, close-up shots, and perspective throughout the comic to keep things interesting. After showing this to my design lecturers and to my friends I realised a few things: the boxes are too close together and the ending is hard to understand. I also got a good piece of advice from my lecturer Hans - writing words underneath the boxes may help to encourage my view of the story in the reader. These are all things I implemented in the final.

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